"Business Opportunity"


* Job creation
* Business opportunity
* Business network

View our Benefits & Rewards below

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Premium care for everyone


– Registration
– Place Order and buy Products
– place orders & buy products
– monitor and calculate your earnings
– sign up your team
– Bank transaction

Know - understand more about your business

Premium care for everyone

Benefits & Rewards

Bellow are some of the benefits and rewards you get from The company

Commission per head referral: this is a percentage you get for growing your team.

– 100% profit or more: This is a benefit design by the company for you to make 100% profit or more by manufacturing high quality products at a very reasonable amount.


You get your profit instantly once stock sold by you.

Referral bonus:
This bonus is given to when your team Buys stock.

Incentives - Terms & Conditions plus Withdrawals

Bellow are our terms and conditions including withdrawals

From time you time the company will generate different monthly incentives

To be part of the company system you need to register with the company.

All stock bought need proof of payment send to through to the company administration office 074 742 5575. All approved payment will be approved/ confirmed before they may be processed.

All bonus and rewards will be generated only on active company members.

Any fraudulent transection transaction the company will take legal disciplinary actions.

Payments are done as agreement per month.

> From 100 up to 20 000 per month.
> Payment are every tough night per month.
> Every member shall up load personal banking details into company system.

What is a product operating model? A POM defines how you design, develop, deliver and manage products throughout their lifecycle.